2. Januar 2012


I'm so stupid. Stupid as in eating a hole lot of cookies without even realizing it, than testing a blatant 455 afterwards and having to inject a scary amount of insulin. Scary because, as we all know, large amounts of insulin usually can be really dangerous. Guess I can only sit it out now. It's my own stupid fault. Knowing that still doesn't stop the situation from giving me the creeps, unfortunately.

2 Kommentare:

  1. No no no, you are not stupid. This disease is stupid!!! You are human. Cookies are delicious and we all inadvertently overindulge sometimes. Don't beat yourself up!! Just plan to try to do a little better next time.

  2. @Karen: You're probably right. At least I managed to get it down slowly and safe and not to rage bolus myself into a low.
